Sunday 18 October 2020



Common Room 
15th October

This is the first time I know about the photographic sequences, take down a few continuous shots can actually tell the story or even capture the moving action within the frame, it is amazing and interesting to catch up those moment. I had notice that there are common when you try to record the sports in action or a fast moving object that are astonishing, and you do not want to miss it. So I just wondering why not record a unpredictable, fast and irritating work : Bottle Flipping.

Bottle Flipping was a trend of involved throwing a plastic bottle, fill of liquid partially, flip it and let the bottle spin in the air, attempt to land it upright on its base surface.

This challenge has been popular and became a trend in world since 2016 already, but I never try this before. So, this recorded video seems simple to do it, but in fact, it is challenging for me, I had already tried more than twenty times to flip the bottle and made it success. For the process of miss up experience, I had gradually to know the skills of flipping, the main principle is catch up the gravity of bottle, the amount of water and the method of throwing the bottle out, these would be the factor of the challenge success or not.

For avoiding with my flatmate waiting a long time to record the work being success, I decided to use the front lens of my iphone, and put it on the couch to record the whole process. And used the pause function of iphone to take a screen shot the moment I want after recording.

After taking a screen shot of the work, I used Be Funk the photo editing app which proposal by our tutor, to put all the pictures into the square form from left to right sequentially, which used to make it clear to understand.

And then, I transfer the work to Photoshop for modification some details. I had changed to black and white of the picture, increase the contrast ratio, the definition and sharpness. These can emphasize the sculpture of water bottle and also balance the low resolution from the recording. Without the colors, picture become neat and tidy, it would be focusing more of the bottle flipping, and these effects has enhance the visual impact of the work.

I think this work is a good experience for the first time of processing a sequential images, from planning how to shoot to use media to produce the post-production, success to finish flipping and develop the basic skills with a new edit app, it had been a new stage of development for me.

1.Sportman 063
2.Be Funky
3.The Physics of Bottle-Flipping

1 comment:

  1. Good start on your first set of images you have a little research here but your video is not showing you need to reupload this and your research image has no source url underneath. You still need to do further research on another posts and you need another set of images. The technical detail and screenshots are good with a good outcome.
