Monday 7 June 2021

Reflection of the last term

For this term art portfolio project, I greatly stepped out of my comfort zone. I decided and challenged a theme that I have never heard about before. From no basic knowledge to research and analyze the information online, looking for inspiration for work. Honestly, during the research I had ever felt anxious and lost the direction, also didn't really sure what should I do to the next step, it spends a long time to figure out what design that I want. I don't really like this kind of unsure, but I guess that was the necessary way from how we step out of the comfort zone of difficulty. Perhaps in the future, there are much more projects or even works that I am not interested in and I have to face with, this would be a nice experience for me to learn how to focus and enjoy the process, treat every work as an experience. 

In this semester, I studied a lot of basic knowledge about fashion design, and this is my first time designing a garment by using a sewing machine. Multiple steps with buying cloth, cutting, sewing and knitting, the dedication of time and details which lead me truly understand the difference between fast fashion and handmade fashion. In order to present out the diversification of texture, I used a variety of materials in the work and combined one of my area of expert - painting with acrylic, I succeeded in imitating one of the 2D works. However, due to the incorrect sizes and widths, it was quite difficult to replicate 100% similarity. Although the final work is not that perfect, I am truly proud of the final result. The colour structure is really bright and sharp under the camera,  it matches up nowadays modern design trend, the fabric is not easy to cause wrinkles and also stick with the primitive African culture, which I believe I do rich the goals.

At the beginning of this year, I didn't have much confidence in my works. Due to the fact that I did not have much relevant design experience, I had too much uncertainty and hesitation. However, along with this year's various present, the encouragement of classmates and the affirmation of teachers lead me began to start to appreciate my own works, the attitude of praise more than criticism makes me gradually have confidence. In addition, I also worried about the language barrier and the differences between the learning environment at the beginning, therefore, mostly I just spoke when necessary. However, in the later stage, I gradually became willing to participate and expressing my own opinions instead of entanglement and concern about language issues. I still feel nervous but I think I do made a progress in this regard.

I am very grateful for having art and design year zero's experience this year. I also appreciate the help of my tutors, who tried their best to guide us on the right way and pointed out the mistakes or feedback. There were definitely still had many blemishes and not perfect in this year, which I have to get further improve, but I do try my best to complete every exercise and did every design work. I wish I can keep this passion in further and produce more amazing design, however, there would be a slight change in my progression route. I found that in my design philosophy, most of the initial inspirations were extended from movies or even drama scenes. During this year's experience, I realized that I did not want to extend my works from the trend, exaggerated with the stage costume design might be the direction I should go. No one really 100% sure where they would go but I believe I will continue to do what I like and what I stand for. I probably will apply for the basic courses this summer vacation, ready to be more prepared and get into the new academic year. I am grateful for this fulfilling and special year again, thank you for every support.

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