Tuesday 23 February 2021

Collaboration Task Final Result:


Two of us were all truly satisfied with this result. The background can fully present the factors which have influenced us into fashion, such as the famous magazine Vogue, the local culture of our countries and also the hobbies. These elements can totally express who we are and how to form our shape today.

In addition to the results of the project, I also really enjoy working with my partner Olga. I like how we were being honest to each other, telling what we like or even dissatisfied with, and we would constantly listen to each other’s opinions to make improvements, so as to ensure that we can present our style in the work at the same time. Furthermore, we were able to divide the phases of the project, so that the work between two of us was fair and balanced. Therefore, I thought this group cooperation was very successful. 

Beside that, for me, the communication skills certainly have been improved. English is not both of our first languages, but we had to use it to communicate through using Whatsapp. Although there might occur some situations that we don’t understand with each other, body language or image are always a nice way to know what others are talking about, so we had used pictures to help explain what we want to express step by step slowly. I know communication skills are very important for future employment, it is necessary for others to understand my idea, therefore I thought this project was quite a useful experience for me to enhance my speaking ability. If it is possible, I would love and want to try to collaborate with other classmates to create another project, it will be definitely very interesting and it helps us get to know each other more so it would be beneficial if there were more collaboration projects.

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