Monday 15 March 2021

Collection six: ELEGANCE

Contrasting with collection two, completely exposed the shoulder area was only restricted to the upper and middle class. For the working-class women, they could not reveal too much flesh, that's the reason why shawl became a feature of the dressing.
According to that, I decided to combine the shawl and irregular, structural design to present a new image for this collection. 

The fashion trend of the Victorian period:

The fashion trend of 2021:

 I separated the design into two parts, one for the shawl and one for the tent dress. Always make sure they would be separate into different layers, it helps avoid drawing mistakes in the process and can be erased easily, added the layer can save repeating the steps and time.

I wanted to add some layers to this collection, so I had tested some layers pattern next to the template.

As I had mentioned before, I wanted to challenge myself in this project. Tried to bring out different texture by using drawing tools. Here was some example that I was imitating the pattern of cotton bobbinet texture.

Brush tool of left-hand side: Wave
Brush tool of right-hand side: 3D triangle

Finally, added the detail of the shawl pattern.

This is the final result:
VIRAGO Women’s fashion, ca. 1830: Day dresses, part 1. [Online] VIRAGO. Available from : [Accessed 16/03/21].

The Top 5 Fashion Trends for Spring 2021 Straight From the Runways. (2020) [Online] FASHION Magazine. Available from : [Accessed 16/03/21].

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