Monday 15 March 2021

Re-edit and feedback from UX testing

During this session, we had UX testing for the website, to make sure everything can be function and clear present our work, this testing also can help enhance the improvement from the reviewing of each other. So, I pared up with Olga and Paula, we had to help each other to test the website and gave feedback to each other.

Due to the fact that I used the first collection of 20's Punk to be the major theme of the whole website which can not really show out my personality, so I had to re-edit the whole webpage style again. Also, I changed the copyright on the bottom, deleted 'created with'. Base on the feedback that I received from Zoe and classmates, here are the results that I had re-edited.



From the feedback of Olga, she also suggested adding the social links and even the navigation menu on the home page. It would be easier to click on different pages when the menus are appearing on top of the header.



Moving on to the collection page, I added two images that can directly link to 20's PUNK and Purple Haze front page, it would be more user friendly to let the audience choose which collection they wanted to look at. 

I didn't edit too much about the 'About me page' and 'Contact page'. I love the background that I have created from the first semester, so I wanted to keep it and just changed a little about the colour tone. 





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