Friday, 28 May 2021

Primary research: Target market research questionnaire

As I had mentioned in the previous post, I narrow down the target market group and edit it to about 18-25 years old, which is more suitable for high street fashion. I had done a questionnaire of my classmate and friends who are all around my age, asked about 10 questions with the market research of what dressing habit they would like to purchase, and here are the 20 responses answer.

In the beginning, I asked about the basic information of the classmate with their age and gender. It can be seen in the survey, there are obviously about 17 of them are female and I am targeting the female fashion design trend which the result would be useful for my project.
Forms response chart. Question title: 1. What is your gender?. Number of responses: 20 responses.Forms response chart. Question title: 2. What is your age?. Number of responses: 20 responses.Forms response chart. Question title: 3. What style do you use to wear?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

About the colour palette, the highest responses in this question are rainbow of colours, the second ones are both basics colour and black&white colour. Base on the result, I believe that no one is picking sharp and bold colour are because they want to avoid excessive attraction and that some colours attract too much attention, so I will consider would I incorporate this colour or not into my collection.

Forms response chart. Question title: 4. What colour palette do you mostly purchase?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

There is near all the response, 18 people like to dress to make the most of their figure and 2 of them are not really like to. I may develop the cutting which can cultivate the sharps character.

Forms response chart. Question title: 5. Do you like clothes that make the most of your figure? (1 = not at all , 5 = really like). Number of responses: 20 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: 6. What the most common clothing situation do you wear?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: 7. What are you concerned the most about fashion when you go to school?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: 8. What is your first consideration when purchasing clothes?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

In order to cater for the market need and also integrate with the African culture at the same time, I researched and asked relevant questions. Whether they would accept other styles of their dressing habit, the answered are all answered yes and maybe, which mean they are willing to try new clothing style if the price is reasonable and the design is fashionable. 

Forms response chart. Question title: 10. Would you be interested to try another fashion style?. Number of responses: 20 responses.


  1. Think about what we discussed last week - this is good research and well directed questions, but how does this impact on what you would be comfortable wearing in a daily situation?

  2. Nicole, as we get closer to the deadline, make sure you include posts on reflection, updating your website etc.
